Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fortaleza, Brazil

 Carlynton graduate, Zach Caine, from the Class of 2010, is on a trip of a lifetime.  Zach is currently serving a mission for his church.  He is in Fortaleza, Brazil.  Although super busy, Zach agreed to showing Flat Stanley around Brazil!  

Here is a picture of Zach! 

These next two pictures are views out of Zach's window in Fortaleza.  

Zach even took Stanley on an adventure to the mountains!  

Zach found a family that agreed to take Stanley on an adventure.  They went to "Lagamar do Cauipe" in Brazil.  

Stanley got to catch some waves! 

Stanley found a donkey!  

He even got his picture taken with a craft made out of nuts.  They are miniature donkeys!  Stanley loved that they were just his size! 

They even allowed Stanley to fly the gorgeous kite!  

Thank you, Zach, for taking such good care of Stanley!  We hope the rest of your mission goes well!  Safe travels!