Thursday, February 28, 2013

Star 100.7

Star 100.7's morning radio show host, Melanie Taylor, was very excited to take a Flat Stanley for us!  She was so excited, she mentioned it on the air during the Bubba Show that Shavonne had sent her a Flat Stanley from Carnegie Elementary!  Sadly, she announced it at 5:50 am and Team Lewis was still sound asleep!  

Melanie took Stanley around their studios in Foster Plaza in Greentree to visit with other radio stations, also.  They visited with Y-108 and The Fan. 

Here is a picture of Stanley with Melanie Taylor on the air!  

Bubba does not look too thrilled to have another guy on his morning show!  Is he afraid of the competition??  

After Melanie is done on the air, she has a lot of work to do in her office.  Stanley was glad to help her get work done!  

Stanley got to visit with Monty & Jimmy from Y-108's morning show!  How cool?  

Stanley even got to go to visit with Pittsburgh's sports radio channel, The Fan!  He got his picture taken with their mascot, The Machine! 

Melanie took Stanley on adventures with her family.  They went to the Barnum & Bailey Ringling Brothers Circus!  They also went to play in South Park.  Stanley climbed his first tree!  He had a great time!  

Stanley was thrilled to get to meet Melanie's daugther, Quinn!  Here she is posing with Stanley before her soccer game!  

Stanley even got to go vote with Melanie... however! since he is not a registered voter, Stanley was not allowed in the voting booth!  Bummer!  

The last excitement for now from Melanie & Flat Stanley were that he got his picture taken with the TV show stars of Dance Moms!!!!  Stanley is becoming more famous as the day goes!  (L-R, Jill, Melissa, and Christy)

Stanley is still with Melanie Taylor.  We're not sure if his adventures are done or not, but we are thrilled that he has had so many adventures already!  It has been awesome getting to see behind the scenes at Star 100.7 and the other CBS radio stations in Pittsburgh!  

Bluffton & Ossian, Indiana

Flat Stanley went on another journey west, this time stopping in Bluffton & Ossian, Indiana to stay with Emma's Great Aunt Barbara & Great Uncle David.  

Here is what Great Aunt Barbara had to say about their visit with Stanley...

What day did Flat Stanley arrive?  Tuesday, Ocotber 9, 2012
Where is Flat Stanley? Visiting our home in Bluffton, Indiana and David's office in Ossian, Indiana

What is the weather like today? On Tuesday Oct. 9, 2012 it was sunny and 62 degrees. The day we left Bluffton to come to Pittsburgh for Christmas, Friday Dec 21st. it was snowing and 32 degrees.
What are some fun things to do in your area? There is not a lot of entertainment in our area, but we like to play games with family and friends, we drive to Fort Wayne to go to the movies and shop, and we travel to other places to visit family and see new places.
What did you do with Flat Stanley during his visit?
He really liked playing with our dog, Copper. She is not really a police dog, she is our pet, but she does belong to a policeman and his family, and because she is Copper colored, we named her Copper. She let Flat Stanley climb up on her head and take rides.

Flat Stanley liked hanging out at the police station with the chief. He met a lot of people there and got to look at Chief Rigney's police patch collection and played with some police toys they had there. He even got to use the little police car they had there.  He is bringing home an Ossian Police patch as a souvenir. Stanley enjoyed riding in the police car with the Chief and making traffic stops when people broke the traffic laws and helping people when they had accidents or other problems.

Anything else to add? Bluffton and Ossian are small towns in a rural area, surrounded by corn and soybean fields. Stanley saw Amish people in their horse drawn buggys on the road and they dressed differently than us. There are a lot of farms where you can buy fresh eggs and meat. He got to see cows and horses and a small pony on the way home.
We brought Stanley home for Christmas because he wanted to be home with his family for the holidays. We enjoyed Stanley's visit and hope you all have fun hearing about his many adventures.
Thanks for letting us have Stanley for awhile, and we hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a blessed New Year.

Thank you, Great Aunt Barbara & Great Uncle David for showing Stanley such a wonderful time!  I think he may want to be a Police Chief when he grows up!!  

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pflugerville, Texas

Stanley had the privilege to visit Jaleesa's Aunt Sheri in Pflugerville, Texas.  How in the world do you say that, you wonder?  Thankfully, Aunt Sheri told us the 'P' is silent, so it is pronounced 'flu-ger-ville', which is pretty simple!  Pflugerville is about 14 miles northeast from downtown Austin.  The 2000 census reported that there were roughly 20,000 people living in Pflugerville.  In recent years, the population has nearly doubled!  It is estimated that now about 50,000 people live in Pflugerville!  

Stanley arrived on October 10th.  (*Sorry for the delay in posting, so many Flat Stanley's came home at once, and on top of teaching, it has been hard to catch up!!)  The weather was sunny and about 90°!  Some fun things to do in the area are to go to parks, malls, outlets, tour the Capitol building, see the entire city from the University of Texas, and to go swimming in one of the many outdoor pools!  Stanley had a great time in Texas.  He even got to travel to Los Angeles with the family.  Unfortunately, it was a busy trip, and things got even busier when they returned home.  

Flat Stanley got to ride on a Sesame Street car with Elmo and Jaleesa's baby cousin!  

Flat Stanley got to go with Aunt Sheri to get the oil changed in the car!  Maybe Stanley will grow up to be a mechanic?  While they were waiting for the car to be finished, Flat Stanley helped Aunt Sheri brainstorm for Christmas!  

Stanley even got to visit Jaleesa's older cousin's middle school.  Stanley got to wave to all the teens!  He's not ready for Middle School yet, but he thought it was neat!  

Stanley didn't get tons of pictures while with the Conners, but he did have a wonderful time!  He felt right at home with them!  Thank you for taking such great care of Stanley & participating in our project!