Thursday, February 28, 2013

Star 100.7

Star 100.7's morning radio show host, Melanie Taylor, was very excited to take a Flat Stanley for us!  She was so excited, she mentioned it on the air during the Bubba Show that Shavonne had sent her a Flat Stanley from Carnegie Elementary!  Sadly, she announced it at 5:50 am and Team Lewis was still sound asleep!  

Melanie took Stanley around their studios in Foster Plaza in Greentree to visit with other radio stations, also.  They visited with Y-108 and The Fan. 

Here is a picture of Stanley with Melanie Taylor on the air!  

Bubba does not look too thrilled to have another guy on his morning show!  Is he afraid of the competition??  

After Melanie is done on the air, she has a lot of work to do in her office.  Stanley was glad to help her get work done!  

Stanley got to visit with Monty & Jimmy from Y-108's morning show!  How cool?  

Stanley even got to go to visit with Pittsburgh's sports radio channel, The Fan!  He got his picture taken with their mascot, The Machine! 

Melanie took Stanley on adventures with her family.  They went to the Barnum & Bailey Ringling Brothers Circus!  They also went to play in South Park.  Stanley climbed his first tree!  He had a great time!  

Stanley was thrilled to get to meet Melanie's daugther, Quinn!  Here she is posing with Stanley before her soccer game!  

Stanley even got to go vote with Melanie... however! since he is not a registered voter, Stanley was not allowed in the voting booth!  Bummer!  

The last excitement for now from Melanie & Flat Stanley were that he got his picture taken with the TV show stars of Dance Moms!!!!  Stanley is becoming more famous as the day goes!  (L-R, Jill, Melissa, and Christy)

Stanley is still with Melanie Taylor.  We're not sure if his adventures are done or not, but we are thrilled that he has had so many adventures already!  It has been awesome getting to see behind the scenes at Star 100.7 and the other CBS radio stations in Pittsburgh!  

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