Thursday, November 29, 2012

York Harbor, Maine

Stanley went to visit Meg's Aunt Sue who lives in Massachusetts, but took Stanley on an adventure up the east coast through the New England states to York Harbor, Maine.  

They went to the Long Sands Beach, which is a part of York Beach, Maine.

They checked out the beach, and even though it was rather cold, there were still surfers surfing!  

One nice surfer even let Stanley try out her board!  She even posed for a picture with Stanley!  

Stanley & Aunt Sue went hunting for sea shells!  It was very easy to find shells because Hurricane Sandy had blown through, and the strong ocean tides brought more to the beach.  They even discovered some periwinkles.  Periwinkles are small, edible snails.  Unfortunately, all of the periwinkles were occupied, so Stanley couldn't collect any of their shells.  

After searching for shells, Aunt Sue took Stanley to the nearby Nubble Lighthouse.  

Finally, to wrap up their visit in Maine, Aunt Sue & Stanley enjoyed fried shrimp at Bob's Clam Shack!  

Hopefully, Aunt Sue will get to take Stanley on some adventures back home in Massachusetts before he comes back to Pittsburgh!  

We were excited when Aunt Sue came in for Thanksgiving and brought back a box of beautiful seashells for Team Lewis!  Thank you, Aunt Sue!  


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