Wednesday, June 12, 2013

AMF Book & Bowl

Flat Stanley was so proud of Team Lewis for reaching their AMF Book & Bowl reading reward!  They had to earn 370 AR points between December & May.  Thankfully, Team Lewis is full of AWESOME readers, and earned 454 AR points during that time period!  

On Monday, Team Lewis met at AMF Noble Manor Lanes for two hours of fun!  All but 3 students attended, and we had some family members who also joined us for a few frames!  

A good time was had by all!  We thank AMF for offering such an awesome reward program!  Also, to the Team Lewis families for getting the kids to the lanes!  

Anthony hoping to pick up the spare! 

Maddie, Emmaline, Kira, Anthony & Stanley think AMF's Book & Bowl is #1!!

Stanley trying to pick up a bowling ball! Don't they have any his size?!

Getting everyone's name in the computer! 

The 2012-2013 Team Lewis lineup!  

Jaleesa & Stanley waiting for their next turn. 

Maddie & Aunt Nay picking up some spares!  

Robby lining up for a strike!  

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