Thursday, June 6, 2013

Las Vegas, Nevada

Emma’s dad and I went to Las Vegas, Nevada on September 20th, 2012.  We flew in a Southwest airplane.  We flew almost across the whole country.  I could see a lot from my window seat, from the farms in the mid-west to the Rocky Mountains, to the Grand Canyon.  We landed around dinner time and were picked up from the airport by Mr. Weiland’s friend Josh, in a Jaguar.  It was the coolest car I have ever been in!  Besides the police car that Emma’s uncle let me ride in…….  

When we got to the hotel it was amazing all the lights and people.  I was tired from all the flying so I went to bed.  The next day I had to go the Las Vegas Convention center to set up our booth for the show.  The show was the MINEXPO 2012. It is the largest mining show in the world.  They only have it every four years.  People from all over the world come to see this show.  There was everything from hard hats and lights to huge dump trucks that can haul 400 tons. (Try and figure out how many kids it would take to fill the bed of that dump truck?)  I did find out you can put the weight of 36 suv’s in it.  We finished setting up the booth for me to hang out at and Emma’s dad to work at.  

Now we can go and see some sights. First we had to go see the hotel Paris, for Ms. Lewis, of course!  They have a huge Eiffel tower coming out of the hotel, also they have the Arc de Triomphe (Arc of Triumph). Then we crossed the street to the hotel called Bellagio.  In front of the hotel they have a 26 acre lake.  Every 30 minutes a song starts and fountains under the water start shooting up in the air following the music.  They call them the dancing fountains.  You guys know how popular I am?  I had these two show girls want their picture taken with me!  In Vegas they have these large shows and the girls wear crazy hats with feathers on them.  The next day was the show and we got to ride the Las Vegas monorail to the show.  It is kind of like the Pittsburgh subway but with no driver.  It works all on magnets moving the train on the tracks. There was around 40,000 people a day walking around.  I think they came to see me!  So after 2 days of working finally we got to go walk around the show.  I got a picture next to a tire on a truck that was 20 feet tall.  I really am short next to the tire.

After the show we got to relax a bit. It was very hot there 95-100 degrees every day.  So we went swimming a lot, but most of the time we stayed inside.  Vegas is in the desert so it is warm all year long and it rains only a little every year.  So all the water they use in Vegas is from Lake Mead.  They built the Hoover Dam to hold back this really big lake.  The lake water comes all the way from the Colorado Mountains.  The snow melts in the spring and flows down the Colorado River to Lake Mead.  So if there is not that much snow in the mountains the lake gets lower and lower every year.

The MINEXPO is very important for all of these people to go to because they can find out new and better ways to do their jobs.  They mine everything from coal, gold, silver, and salt. There are mines right here in PA mining coal. They use it to make electricity so you can have lights and charge all your gadgets.  They use it to heat homes and also make steel.  That’s why Pittsburgh was the steel town because all the coal mines in the area.

I really learned a lot from my trip to Las Vegas.  I met a lot of people from different countries.  They said to say hi kids in Australian “hey mates”, German “hallo kinder”, French “salut les enfants” and Spanish “hola ninos”.

Thanks, Mr. Weiland, for taking Stanley along with you to Las Vegas!  Stanley learned so much at the MineExpo 2012, and really enjoyed getting to see all of the excitement!  

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