Wednesday, October 31, 2012

London, England

Flat Stanley had a wonderful opportunity to travel across the pond to visit Carlynton graduate, Grete!  Grete did so much with Stanley that she & Stanley created a scrap book of their adventures!  

Thanks, Grete!!!  

Hilpoltstein, Germany

Flat Stanley was extremely lucky to fly to Germany to spend time with Emmaline's family!  Here is the letter I received from Emmaline's Opa & family!  (Opa means grandpa in German!)  

Dear Ms.Lewis, dear Emmaline, and dear 4th graders,
We all had a lot of fun with Flat Stanely.  Thank you very much!  Flat Stanley arrived on 13th of October 2012 at Hans-Sachs-Str.19 / Hilpoltstein.  The weather was partly sunny, party cloudy, and about 13°C (that's about 55°F).  Hilpoltstein is a small town with about 12,000 inhabitants in Bavaria, Germany.  Nearby, we have an artificial sea, where we can swim, ride a bike, rent a boat, or just walk around.  In August, there is a huge historical play about a widow, the countess Dorthea, who decided to live in our town after her husband had died in the 17th century.  About 600 inhabitants of Hilpoltstein, dressed in historical costumes, are part of the play.  On that weekend, there's also a fair, where people from all over the surroundings are joining us.  Flat Stanley also met Emmaline's German relatives, her grandgrandfather, Rudi, her mother's Aunt Barbara & Uncle Bernd, her mother's cousins Benedikt, Clara & Dorothee (who just celebrated her 17th birthday the day Flat Stanley arrived!).  He couldn't say hellow to Amelie, another cousin, but he had a nice time with Benedikt's girlfriend, Jasmin & Clara's boyfriend, Oliver.  Stanley also visited a lot of places at our town, like you can see in the pictures.  So don't be sad, but Flat Stanley decided to stay here, but he sends you kisses & hugs!  Have a lot of fun with your great project!  

Greetings from Germany, 
Emmaline's Opa with Family 

What an awesome letter!  The pictures were amazing, too!  We are glad Flat Stanley had such a wonderful time in Germany!  Thank you again!!

Flat Stanley went to the local elementary school!  

Fun with Emmaline's Family!  

Stanley & Opa

Stanley & Benedikt

Stanley & Clara

Stanley & Dorothee

 Stanley with Jasmin, Benedikt & Clara

Stanley got to see many historic castles & churches while in Hilpoltstein.  He even got his picture taken with the Master of the Castle!  

Stanley enjoyed a delicious duck dinner! 

Here is Stanley with Barbi & her friends outside of the Burg Apotheke... in Germany, that is their Pharmacy/Drug Store, similar to our Walgreens, Rite Aids, and CVS's.  

Stanley poses with the Bavarian Flag

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wynnewood, Pennsylvania

Flat Stanley traveled across the state to visit the Collins Crew in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania.  Wynnewood is a suburb of Philadelphia.  Stanley enjoyed visiting with mom, Carrie, dad, Matt, and the kids, Vivian & Mitchell.  

Stanley arrived on October 8th, 2012.  The weather was gorgeous when Stanley arrived.  There were clear skies, the sun was shining, and the air was brisk!  It was the perfect autumn day!  

Philadelphia has many cool things to do, a few are the Please Touch Museum, the Liberty Bell, the Philadelphia Art Museum, the Franklin Institute, and the LOVE statue.  

While visiting the Collins, Stanley went to the LOVE statue, the Liberty Bell, and Vivian & Mitchell took him to their school (Penn Valley Elementary).  Stanley got another college experience and went to work with Carrie at the University of the Sciences!  He really got quite the education on this trip! 

Thank you for showing Stanley around the "City of Brotherly Love"!  

Missoula, Montana

Flat Stanley arrived in Missoula, Montana on October 8th, 2012 at the Stockdale household.  The Stockdales are a family friend of the Henkes.  They used to live in Carnegie, but moved northwest in 2006.  When Stanley arrived, it was chilly but nice; about 45° and sunny.  

Missoula is a much smaller city than Pittsburgh, but it is the second largest city in the state of Montana!  About 70,000 people live in the city with 40,000 more people living in the surrounding counties.  Many people from outside of Missoula travel there to do business, shop, visit doctors, etc.  Missoula hosts many festivals throughout the year.  They also have an art museum, children's museum, natural history center, and minor league baseball and hockey teams.  

The city of Missoula is surrounded by the Rocky Mountains, and just like Pittsburgh, it has 3 main rivers!  Many people enjoy spending time outdoors in Missoula; going camping, fishing, hiking, hunting, kayaking, bird watching, skiing, and more!  People enjoy the winter activities, and they're ready for snow in Missoula.  They can see the snow on the peaks of the nearby mountains!  

Missoula just hosted the "Shred Fest", which is a festival for snowboarders.  They made their own snow so they could snowboard downtown!  Flat Stanley got to test out the snow, but was sad he left his snowboard in Pittsburgh!  

While in Missoula, the Stockdales took Stanley to their favorite diner for breakfast.  It is called the Uptown Diner.  

They also went to the Missoula Public Library to get books.  Then they walked along the river to "A Carousel for Missoula", which is very special to the town. All of the horses on the carousel were carved by volunteers from Missoula!  Thankfully Eric was kind enough to hold on to Stanley so he could enjoy a ride, too!  They do not have a big amusement park like Kennywood in Missoula, but their carousel is open year round!  

The Stockdales are very happy in their new home in Missoula, Montana, but they miss their old friends and neighbors "back east" in Pittsburgh.  They were happy to have Stanley visit and will be sending us a special treat in the mail! Team Lewis can hardly wait!  

Thank you for taking Stanley on an awesome adventure!  Today it is 80° in Pittsburgh (YES! On October 25th!), so we are glad Stanley could experience some snow!  

96.1 KISS-FM

Flat Stanley was lucky enough to go to Pittsburgh’s Morning Freak Show with Mikey & Big Bob!  Stanley had a lot of fun being on the morning show, but was a little shy when it came to talking on the air.  He did well at working the controls though!  Stanley got to be on the air from 6am – 10am, but then had to go work in their office after.  Stanley helped update the website, Mikey & Big Bob said that he is very good with computers!  

Washington, D.C.

Flat Stanley went to our nation’s capital, Washington, DC to visit with Sara & Eric Rice.  He arrived on October 10th, it was sunny and 60°.  Sara & Eric enjoy going to the Air & Space Museum, to the monuments, and to see shows at the Kennedy Center.  While in DC, Stanley rode the Metro to the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.  To get to the top of the Washington Monument, you used to have to climb 897 steps or ride on a steam operated elevator that took 20 minutes!  Now, no one is allowed to climb the stairs & the elevator takes less than a minute.  The monument itself is over 555 feet tall!  Another neat DC fact is The White House used to be known as the “President’s Palace” or the “President’s House”, until a Baltimore reporter referred to it as “The White House” & Theodore Roosevelt made this the official name in 1901. 

Georgetown, Pennsylvania

Flat Stanley got to go with Ms. Lewis to her Aunt Bea & Uncle Wayne's house in Georgetown, Pennsylvania.  Georgetown is west of Pittsburgh; near the border of Pennsylvania & West Virginia.  

Ms. Lewis & Stanley went for a sleepover to make Ms. Lewis's Halloween costume with Aunt Bea.  Stanley enjoyed the drive down the highway; the leaves were changing colors and absolutely beautiful!  

Aunt Bea had made homemade spaghetti sauce, so Stanley helped Ms. Lewis put them in jars for Aunt Bea to can.  

He also helped Aunt Bea sew and put the poodle on the skirt! 

He enjoyed exploring in Aunt Bea's garden.  He was sad that the corn stalks were all dried up, but excited to find pumpkins his size!  

On Sunday, Ms. Lewis & Stanley stopped by a cemetery that dates back to the early 1800's!  It is a part of Raccoon State Park.  Men who fought in the Revolutionary War are buried here!  It was a beautiful fall day and there were a lot of interesting headstones to see!  

Stanley decided he was going to jump in the leaves before he & Ms. Lewis headed back for the city!