Thursday, October 25, 2012

Georgetown, Pennsylvania

Flat Stanley got to go with Ms. Lewis to her Aunt Bea & Uncle Wayne's house in Georgetown, Pennsylvania.  Georgetown is west of Pittsburgh; near the border of Pennsylvania & West Virginia.  

Ms. Lewis & Stanley went for a sleepover to make Ms. Lewis's Halloween costume with Aunt Bea.  Stanley enjoyed the drive down the highway; the leaves were changing colors and absolutely beautiful!  

Aunt Bea had made homemade spaghetti sauce, so Stanley helped Ms. Lewis put them in jars for Aunt Bea to can.  

He also helped Aunt Bea sew and put the poodle on the skirt! 

He enjoyed exploring in Aunt Bea's garden.  He was sad that the corn stalks were all dried up, but excited to find pumpkins his size!  

On Sunday, Ms. Lewis & Stanley stopped by a cemetery that dates back to the early 1800's!  It is a part of Raccoon State Park.  Men who fought in the Revolutionary War are buried here!  It was a beautiful fall day and there were a lot of interesting headstones to see!  

Stanley decided he was going to jump in the leaves before he & Ms. Lewis headed back for the city!  

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