Monday, April 22, 2013


Flat Stanley had the pleasure of joining Carlynton School Psychologist, who is also an alum, Dr. Mangis, on a trip to Italy with her family.  

Stanley had a beautiful view of Assisi from his hotel room!  What a beautiful sight!  

There was even time to stop in Genova for some delicious salami!  

Stanley was so hungry one night, he devoured an entire pizza!  

Stanley enjoyed sight seeing in Assisi with Dr. Mangis.  The drivers scared him though.  He was glad that he was safe with Dr. Mangis!  

Can you believe Dr. Mangis & her family (pictured below) saw Bishop Zubick, from Pittsburgh, in Italy?  He gladly posed with the family for a picture!  Too cool! 

Stanley made it to Vatican City!  

What is that amazing ancient building back there??  Let's get closer and see!  

It is the Colosseum in Rome!  In ancient times, great games, such as gladiator fights, took place here!  It is the largest amphitheatre in the world!  Many people visit the Colosseum daily!  

Flat Stanley was excited to see another ancient building, the Pantheon.  It was dedicated in 27 BC.  Since the Renaissance  the Pantheon has been used as a tomb.  

Stanley was so happy his traveling buddy, Kennedy, helped lift him up so he would be with the Leaning Tower of Pisa!  The tower is a bell tower and is 183 feet high!  The tower underwent renovations between 1990 and 2001 to fix the lean.  The top of the tower is currently 12 feet 10 inches further than it should be, if it were standing straight.  

Here is Kennedy hanging out with her bud, Flat Stanley, in Monaco.  

Flat Stanley was amazed by all of the huge yachts in Monaco, too!  Maybe on his next trip to Italy, he will get to rent a yacht!!  

Thank you to Dr. Mangis and her family for allowing Flat Stanley to travel with them to Europe!  He had a great time with you!  

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