Thursday, April 25, 2013

Perth, Australia

Flat Stanley had an amazing opportunity to travel around the globe to Perth, Australia to visit with Carlynton Class of 2000 graduate, April Kleer.  April took Flat Stanley on many awesome adventures!  They had so much fun!  Stanley even sent Team Lewis a post card from Perth before Christmas, just to check in!  He did not want us to worry about him!  Rumor has it that he sent us a package, too!  

Flat Stanley e-mailed us a journal entry... 


After a very long trip around the world, I arrived in Perth, Western Australia in October 2012.

Perth is the sunniest capital city of Australia –it gets 3,000 hours of sun every year and the weather is very hot in summer.  One day when I was visiting it was 108 degrees!

Perth has lots of beautiful beaches and very interesting flowers and insects.  It also has really cool animals like kangaroos, black swans and pelicans.  The kangaroos are wild, not in a zoo, and sometimes they are tricky to find. We got lucky though and found some right near the city.  I even got to pose with one for some pictures!

The seasons in Australia are opposite to America because Australia is in the southern hemisphere.  When Pittsburgh has winter, Perth has summer.  Being in the southern hemisphere also means the water in the drain swirls the opposite way too, which was neat to see.   The time is also opposite in Australia. When it’s morning in Pittsburgh, I was going to bed in Perth!  Another opposite thing is the car. The steering wheels in Australian cars are where the passenger sits in America, and the cars drive on the other side of the road too! I had to make sure I looked twice before crossing the street.

Since the weather in Perth is so nice almost all year round, the best things to do are outdoors.  People in Perth love to go surfing, kayaking, running, play sports, swim, go diving, snorkelling and have picnics in the parks.   People also go fishing a lot. One day we drove a few hours south of the city to a town called Busselton. We tried to catch squid off of the jetty, but we didn’t manage to catch anything so we had to eat leftovers for dinner.

In December, I went to Melbourne to celebrate the holidays. Melbourne is on the opposite side of the country, so I flew on an airplane. Melbourne is a much bigger city than Perth.

Christmas was really strange…it was hot! Instead of snow, it was around 90-100 degrees. For Christmas dinner we ate some salad, fish and cold meats.  It was way too hot to bake cookies in the oven!

One day in Melbourne a Yellow-Crested Cockatoo came to the backyard to visit.  My photo with this bird is my favourite picture from the trip – it looks like the cockatoo is smiling at me! The birds here are really big, very colourful and make really funny noises.

The other cool thing about Australia is all of the different words they use.  Everyone speaks English, but sunglasses are called ‘sunnies,’ bathing suits are called ‘bathers,’ cookies are called ‘biscuits’ and people always says ‘g’day’ for hello and use the phrase ‘no worries’ a lot. They also spell a few things differently too - like ‘colour’ for color and ‘tyre’ for tire. Confusing!

Overall I had a great time in Australia - It’s definitely a very interesting place. I’ve included lots of photos from my trip, I hope you enjoy!


Flat Stanley

Thank you again, April, for showing such wonderful hospitality to Flat Stanley!  Australia is a beautiful continent & we hope we can visit some day!  

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