Thursday, April 25, 2013

Seoul, South Korea & Phuket, Thailand

Flat Stanley has made it to his 4th continent!  He booked a trip to Seoul, South Korea in Asia with Julie Sanchas.  Julie graduated from Carlynton in 2001.  Stanley even got to enjoy a layover in Moscow, Russia.  Sadly, they could not leave the airport.  After visiting in Seoul, Stanley traveled to Phuket (Poo-ket), Thailand for some fun in the sun!  

Here is what Stanley reported back about his adventure to Asia! 

Flat Stanley departed John F Kennedy Airport in New York City on December 21, 2012.  He arrived in Moscow, Russia where he had to wait a few hours before taking his next flight to Seoul, South Korea.  When he arrived in Seoul, the temperature was only 8 degrees!  Luckily, Stanley remembered his hat and gloves.  He took the subway from the airport to the Hello Kitty Cafe for lunch.  After lunch, Stanley visited the Gyeongbokgung Palace.  The palace was built in 1395 and housed the King.  Between 1592-1598, the palace was under attack and remained partly destroyed for over 250 years.  Beginning in 1868, the palace started being reconstructed and is still under maintenance. 
Also, while in Seoul, Stanley tried the famous "Korean Barbeque" where he was able to cook a meal at his table.  He also visited the Seoul North Tower, which is the highest point in Seoul.  Lastly, he went to the Korea House for a traditional meal and show. 
Stanley left South Korea and flew to Phuket, Thailand.  When Stanely arrived, it was 95 degrees!  Stanley spent a few days in the sun dividing his time between the pool and the beach before returning to the United States. 

Thank you for taking Stanley on a tour of Asia, Julie!  He had a great time with you!! 

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